Anthropolitical Psychology

For a while, expect merely the collection of terms beneath this header.

“Anthropolitical” — I wanted a header for the top of the “coins and terms” list, so here is one appropriate jamming “anthropo” (and “anthropology”) with the equally soft science “political psychology”.  What one sets out to learn, one wants true across space and time, or, for this blog, geopolitical space and history.

Civilizational Narcissism | BackChannels

Conflict – Language Uptake – Social Programming and Scripting – A Suggestion | BackChannels

Facsimile Bipolar Political Sociopathy | BackChannels

Malignant Narcissism | BackChannels

Narcissistic Scripting | BackChannels

Normative Remirroring | BackChannels

Paranoid Delusional Narcissistic Reflection of Motivation | BackChannels

Also involved here — here is the afterthought that becomes a premise — human psychology would seem itself evolutionary.  To strike a coin of convenience (I needed something with an “A” up front) “Anthropolitical Psychology” might include also the creativity to revisit observation through the filter newly made.

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