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In a recent Tweet, the high and not so mighty Dmitry Medvedev, chair of the Security Council of Russia, referred to Ukrainian President Zelensky as a “provincial clown”. After so many years of accumulating material about Russia, I had quite a bit to pack into one riposte–>

Provincial clown?

Look in the mirror.

For #Nazis, this has been #Russia’s work in its support of dictatorship-https://conflict-backchannels.com/2018/02/24/war-east-west-abomination-syria-bombing-hospitals/ -of the lust for the wealth of others and the power to steal it: #StormInMoscow-https://conflict-backchannels.com/2023/05/03/reference-journalist-alexander-zhilin-operation-storm-in-moscow-aka-moscow-apartment-bombings/ (you bombed #Russians in the dead of night as part of an obscene political theater) and here you will destroy what doesn’t shoot back: https://youtu.be/a245RkGUXfk; https://youtu.be/c1xFSCDy8Jo; https://youtu.be/q2nfuIP2tU0; https://youtu.be/8_XCe86resg. Your #JewHate traces back to about here: https://conflict-backchannels.com/2021/02/01/ftac-endemic-russian-anti-semitism-a-note/ -and your own #RussianNazism does too. Regarding #Hitler’s sideshow: you know of #WhiteRussianLoyalist #MaxErwinVonScheubnerRichter-https://conflict-backchannels.com/2017/12/29/ftac-middle-east-conflict-back-to-max-erwin-von-scheubner-richter-and-forward-to-the-plundering-of-palestinian-misery-by-palestinian-leadership-elites/.

In the end, the darkness you believe surrounds you–that paranoia–is your own and fixed by a reliably delusional, grandiose, messianic, and malign narcissism that has no other purpose than the want of adoration (narcissistic supply).

As an X-Pression–>
