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Euronews invited to visit Egypt’s wounded police


Christian Churches Throughout Egypt Stormed, Torched – 8/15/13


Maspero Youth Union’s Facebook page reports 38 churches burned and looted, 23 attacked and partially damaged, six school burned and looted, seven Coptic buildings burned and looted, six Christians dead, and seven kidnapped.


Egypt Islamists vow new demos after deadly day of anger


CAIRO — More violence is expected in Egypt after chaos swept through the country last week, leaving nearly 900 dead in four days of unrest and threatening to stall a political transition.

Egypt braces for more violence after deadly week


Some 38 Muslim Brotherhood supporters died in disputed circumstances at a prison yesterday, as the leader of Egypt’s powerful army warned he would not tolerate violence, urging Islamists to change course.

Balmer, Crispian and Yasmine Saleh (Reuters).  “38 prisoners die as Egypt violence escalates.”  Irish Examiner, August 19, 2013.


My eyes have read 890 dead in the recent fighting.

My ears have heard 3,500 Muslim Brotherhood supporters arrested.

There’s potential for drawing down the violence in Egypt’s polarized society by dint of one side not having to prove God’s favor on the way to producing a more broad and meaningful round of elections, which I hope will neither be forgotten nor put off more than a year.

The other side has demonstrated its values in the burning and pillaging of properties of the Coptic Church and in general rioting.

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