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Mr Langdon, 33, and Ms Yavuz, a Harvard PhD who worked to help battle malarial disease on the continent, travelled from Uganda to Nairobi, because they believed there was “no safer place” in Africa to have their baby, which was due in weeks.

It was a simple decision that unwittingly intertwined their fates with those of hundreds of innocent people in a mall where days of gunfire and lobbed grenades would leave 69 people dead.

Somali extremists extinguish two lives dedicated to Africa’s poor | The Australian 9/24/2013


BBC News – Nairobi Westgate attack: Victims are ‘unarmed innocent citizens’ – YouTube 9/23/2013


The Shabaab fighters were warning Muslims to leave and questioned people about their faith. Muslims were separated from non-Muslims; the non-Muslims were executed. Some Shabaab fighters were heard yelling “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is Greatest,” as they gunned down innocent civilians.

Shabaab suicide teams target civilians in assault on Kenyan mall – The Long War Journal 9/21/2013


The terror attack on a Kenyan shopping centre that has left 68 dead was being led by the white English widow of a 7/7 bomber, it was claimed last night.

Soldiers said a white woman wearing a veil was shouting orders to gunmen in Arabic during the bloody massacre inside the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi.

Terror in Kenya ‘led by white widow’: shocking picture shows terrified little girl fleeing mall massacre | Mail Online 9/22/2013


▶ Kenya Shopping Mall Siege Continues: Terrorists reportedly cornered as smoke billows from mall – YouTube 9/23/2013


“We knew the shopping center is owned by Israelis and renowned as a place where many Israelis hang out,” Lopez told Maariv. “Four of the restaurants there are also owned by Israelis and many Israelis are employed in the place. They were our main concern—but we also support our Kenyan friends and ready to assist in whichever way they ask.”

The Jewish Press » » 3 Israelis Escape as Nairobi Shopping Center Attack Continues 9/22/2013


During the attack, Al Shabaab’s Arabic Twitter account quoted the Koran, “Plant firmly our feet and give us victory over (Al-Kafireen) the disbelieving people.” (Koran 2:250). The Kuffar, the non-Muslims of Westgate, included small children.

In the Name of Islam | FrontPage Magazine 9/23/2013


When I posted on this event yesterday, the death toll was 59.

Kenya Westgate mall hostage standoff continues; death toll hits 68 – CBS News 9/22/2013


NAIROBI, Kenya–I will travel to Ghana to be present at the burial of Kofi Awoonor. I will because he is a great Ghanaian poet. I will because he is a remarkable African thinker and mentor. I will because he traveled to Jamaica from Ghana to bury my father, his dear friend and mentor, in 1984. I will because he is my uncle, my mother’s cousin.

Poet Kofi Awoonor Killed In Terrorist Attack at Nairobi Mall – Speakeasy – WSJ 9/22/2013

Related: Ghanaian poet Kofi Awoonor among Westgate mall victims | World news | theguardian.com 9/23/2013


Dang works for the restaurant guide “Eat Out Kenya” and was meeting coworkers at Nairobi’s upscale Westgate Mall when gunfire broke out Saturday. Terrorists with ties to al-Qaida unloaded a flood of gunfire and grenades into crowds of unsuspecting shoppers. Those who were not hit dodged bullets and crawled to safety.

10News – New social media posts give updates on Elaine Dang, San Diegan injured in Kenya mall hostage crisis – 10News.com – News 9/23/2013

NBC 7 (San Diego Woman Among Victims Injured in Kenya Mall Attack | NBC 7 San Diego 9/22/2013 )  reported that Dang, a native of San Diego, a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, who is recovering from her injuries, had also worked for the New Leaders Council, Teach for America, and “taught high school students on a Native American reservation in New Mexico.”


▶ BBC News – Nairobi Westgate attack: Who are the al-Shabab militants? – YouTube

Additional Reference

Kenyan forces have located militants in shopping mall, says president | World news | theguardian.com 9/22/2013

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