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This morning, BackChannels copied and pasted to its Facebook “reading page” the following quotation:

— At a gathering point east of Gaza City, organizers urged demonstrators to burst through the fence, telling them Israeli soldiers were fleeing their positions, even as they were reinforcing them. —

“Israelis kill more than 50 Palestinians in Gaza protests, health officials say” (May 14 at 12:14 p.m. by Loveday Morris and Hazem Balousha).

The Guardian posted about the  the same thing: “Israeli troops kill dozens of Palestinians in protests as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – live updates” (May 14, 2018).

Such statements are not untrue — who?  did what?  to whom? — but incomplete and superficial.

Hamas chose to play the joyful occasion of the inauguration of the American Embassy in Jerusalem as just right for drama — and it chose to lie in a most functional or practical way to fairly order ever hopeful, ever strung along, ever disinformed, misled, and infuriated Palestinians toward the world’s best defended border and the troops that have made that so.

Related on BackChannels:


Addendum: FTAC: May 15, 2018: How Palestinians Will “Defy the Odds”

Palestinians will truly “defy the odds” when they find the courage and wherewithal to stand up to those who keep them most captive, channeled, and ill-informed: Fatah and Hamas. Until that day, they will repeat what they have been told about themselves, go around in circles somewhere between a frustrated complacency and a volcanic violence, and find themselves where they began, duped by Moscow, led by thugs, and subject to a part of the world’s most corrupt and piratical leadership.

Some should be asking Abbas about his new airplane.

Some should be asking Hamas how the Israelis could have been running away when they were firing to clear their fence line.
